To take an idea to launch (and then to profit), you have to think, communicate, and take action in a way that allows you to preserve resources, get the information you need, and efficiently build towards an MVP.
We're here to helpWe currently work with aspiring and established Founders and CEOs in four ways.
Can one hour save you thousands of dollars and multiple headaches? 100%.
Can you solve your biggest dev blocker in a day? With us, yes.
What would shift in your start-up after a month of Bill acting as your CTO? A lot.
All the advantages of having a seasoned head of tech without the annual salary.
Is this doable?
How do we do it cost effectively?
Who do we need on the team?
How do I know that what needs to be done is getting done?What’s the best way to work through this?
What kind of leadership is required?
What do you think about…
We’ve heard it all.
We've seen it all.
And we'd love to help you figure it out.